Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I can't say I have a "favorite" wedding shot to get, but this one always speaks to me.
When I look at this image it makes me think of how many times those hands have lovingly worked hard taking care of a little girl, raising her and preparing her for this day - the day she will start a family of her own. There's a ring there that represents a legacy of love that she has not just taught, but lived.

This is what I love about wedding photography - a moment, one that would otherwise go unnoticed, is brought into focus. Images allow us to learn, enjoy, and soak in life in a unique way - it's why I do what I do.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tiny Toes & a Cute Little Nose...

Two of my favorite people turned into three this week! Our great friends, Jenny & Jon, welcomed their beautiful baby girl into the world & I just can't get enough of her tiny toes & cute little nose!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Winter Wonderland 2011

So, I don't know if you've heard, but we got a bit of snow here this week.
I'm not going to lie, I LOVE snow. I think my lab, Cash, loves it more though:
He kept leaping in the air and then diving in, head first.
With 20" of snow on the ground there was plenty of fun to be had (if you could stand the cold), but my favorite part of this "blizzard" was taking some very chilly pictures of our good friends Jenny & Jon and their soon-to-be-introduced bundle of joy (which thankfully remains toasty in the oven...)
I hope you all have enjoyed this slow-motion week as much as I have!

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - A Look Back

 All images are the sole property of Studio614 llc and may not be used or reproduced without written permission.

Christmas with the Studio614 crew

I usually adhere to a pretty strict "I'm off the clock" policy over the holidays (& other family gatherings) in an effort to focus on what's important and to not miss anything...

But then... the hectic, loud, crazy, fun, so special moments have flown by and I remember that great face my sister made when she saw the snow coming down or how no matter how old I get I will never be tired of hearing my parents read the Christmas Story... and I wish I could frame those memories. Or I find myself thinking about how much Christmas has changed for me over the years, wondering what it will be like by the time my kids are 25 and how I will ever be able to describe to them just what it was like.

So, this year I decided to document it all. I tend to be a little over-ambitious like that. I didn't quite get it all, but I do have lots of images that I'm sure will warm my heart for years to come (many thanks to my wonderful husband and oh-so-handy second shooter!)

Welcome to Christmas, Tripp-style!